We accept CareCredit, Proceed Financing, and multiple insurance plans
We can perform surgeries in both the clinic or the hospital as appropriate


TeethXpress full-mouth dental implants make it possible to receive a complete set of beautiful, new teeth in as little as a few short hours. Using a strategic number of dental implants, we create a strong, healthy foundation for an implant-supported denture to be attached.

What are the benefits of TeethXpress implant dentures?

  • Very different from a removable denture, TeethXpress implant-supported dentures are secured in place to dental implants. This means your new teeth will never move or shift when smiling, eating or talking.
  • TeethXpress implant-supported dentures are far more comfortable because they are secure and feel like natural teeth. There is also less irritation of gum tissue; patients who have conventional dentures often suffer pain and canker sores.
  • TeethXpress implant-supported dentures look more natural than conventional dentures because less plastic is needed for retention. Wearing implant-supported dentures can also help your appearance in the long term by preventing jaw shrinkage and bone loss.
  • Patients with conventional dentures have difficulty with speaking clearly. Slurred speech and clicking noises are common problems. TeethXpress implant dentures can help you relax and talk easily with a more clear and natural voice.
  • Best of all, with implant-supported dentures, there is no need to use denture adhesives.